Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

The time has come for us to cast our votes.
Republican. Democrat.
Romney. Obama.
I hate the negativity that surrounds election time. All the backstabbing and slander takes precedence over the issues that should really be at center stage.
I hope today that you exercise your right as an American citizen to cast your vote. Don't let the media sway you or the commentary of those among you. Educate yourself and vote for the one whom you believe is the best person to be the Commander in Chief.
And whether or not your vote wins or loses, be respectful of the man who becomes our nation's next leader. He has a lot of pressure on his shoulders!
Image via @shopedropoff on Instagram

1 comment:

Monica said...

Great Post!It does get really nasty when election time rolls around, its sad.