So the time has come to say goodbye to my current job. It's been a long 4.5 years in the accounting field & the job hunt has been strong for about a year now. As of next Friday, I will be saying goodbye to my boss (aka my dad!) and my little desk and getting myself ready for the new job. Am I happy? Yes! Am I a bit sad? Yes! Starting all over again kind of freaks me out but I think this will lead to some good things...
#1 - Working for a small business doesn't have the same growth potential as a larger business/corporation. So for that alone, I am excited because that means there is room to grow, whether that leads to new positions or new locations!
#2 - I will have more than one person around me at all times. I like working solo for the most part but I also like people around me - it provides conversation & a sort of energy you don't get when you work alone for the better part of your day. And bonus! My friend who referred me for the job will be working in the same department, so it will be great to know someone there & not feel so lonely at the beginning.
#3 - A chance to learn something new. This new job is completely foreign to me; I will be working for a health care company on a team that sets doctors up with hospitals for new work contracts, making sure that their credentials & such are ready to go. So while I have no experience in this, I'm looking forward to learning something new & challenging myself.
#4 - I get to make more use of the clothes in my closet...somewhat. So where I am now, the dress code is uber casual. Which sometimes is nice; I don't have really dress to impress anyone since there are no clients to see. But at the same time, it can make me lazy. So I plan to purpose my clothing a bit more now, even though the new job has a pretty casual dress code as well. But I think since I will be surrounded by people all day long, I will feel inclined to make my casual outfits look a little more pretty.
With this new job comes training at their corporate office, out of state. Pretty cool! They will be sending me out for corporate training for one week along with other new hires. This excites me, aside from the fact that I will be apart from my hubby for that long. Boo hoo.
During that time, I don't imagine that I will have much time for blogging because I will be in seminars for most of the day and I want to be able to soak in the training & not think in the back of my mind, "Oh shoot, I need to put together some blogs for this week."
So I am looking for...
I think this is a great opportunity to have some of my blogging buddies share their posts here while I am out of town, getting my work training on. It gives you (the guest blogger) the chance to connect with my audience here & gives your readers a peek of The Pretty Factor as well! You can share an outfit post, a review, a giveaway...whatever you want, let's come up with some ideas!
If I get more responses than the allotted 5 days for the week above, I may take you up on your offer because I'm not sure how crazy busy my work schedule will be when I begin!